3.1 General operating rules for small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS)
sUAS must be registered with the FAA and marked with registration number (250gm)
Operators must follow all applicable regulations and maintain visual line of sight with the aircraft
sUAS cannot be flown over people or moving vehicles without specific approval (250gm)
Operators are responsible for ensuring the safety of the flight and avoiding collisions
3.2 Daylight operations and visibility requirements
sUAS flights are typically limited to daylight hours, defined as 30 minutes before official sunrise to 30 minutes after official sunset
Minimum visibility of 3 statute miles from the control station is required
sUAS must remain clear of clouds and maintain a safe distance from other aircraft
3.3 Altitude and speed limitations
Maximum altitude for sUAS is generally 400 feet above ground level (AGL) or, if higher than 400 feet AGL, remain within 400 feet of a structure
sUAS must not exceed a groundspeed of 100 mph (87 knots)
Altitude and speed limitations may vary depending on airspace classification and proximity to airports
Chapter 3: Operating Rules
General operating rules for small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS)
Daylight operations and visibility requirements
Altitude and speed limitations
Preflight inspections and maintenance
3.4 Preflight inspections and maintenance
Operators must conduct a thorough preflight inspection of the sUAS, including checking battery levels, propellers, and control systems
Any damaged or malfunctioning components must be repaired or replaced before flight
Regular maintenance should be performed in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines to ensure the sUAS remains in a safe, airworthy condition
Operators should keep a log of all maintenance performed on the sUAS for reference and compliance purpose
Scenario Example
Sarah, a licensed remote pilot, has been hired by a real estate company to capture aerial photographs and videos of a newly listed property using her small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS). To ensure a safe and legal operation, Sarah follows the operating rules outlined in Chapter 3.
Before the flight, Sarah checks that her sUAS is properly registered with the FAA and that the registration number is clearly marked on the aircraft . She also ensures that she will maintain visual line of sight with the sUAS throughout the flight and that the area is clear of people and moving vehicles .
The flight is scheduled for 10:00 AM on a clear, sunny day, well within the daylight hours defined by the regulations . Sarah checks the weather forecast and confirms that visibility is expected to be greater than 3 statute miles, with no clouds in the vicinity of the planned flight path .
While planning the flight, Sarah notes that the property is located within 5 miles of a small airport. To comply with the altitude limitations, she ensures that the sUAS will maintain an altitude below 400 feet AGL and will not exceed a groundspeed of 87 knots .
Prior to the flight, Sarah conducts a thorough preflight inspection of her sUAS . She checks the battery levels, ensures that the propellers are securely attached and free of damage, and tests the control systems for proper functionality. She also confirms that the camera gimbal is working correctly and that the memory card has sufficient space for the planned photographs and videos.
Throughout the flight, Sarah adheres to the operating rules, maintaining a safe distance from the property and any surrounding obstacles. She captures the required aerial photographs and videos of the property, ensuring that the sUAS remains within the specified altitude and speed limitations.
After the flight, Sarah logs the flight details and any relevant maintenance information in her sUAS logbook . She then processes the captured imagery and delivers the final products to the real estate company, confident that she has conducted the operation safely and in compliance with the applicable regulations.
Chapter Quiz
Chapter 3: Operating Rules
Test your knowledge on the basics of Part 107 regulations with this medium difficulty 3-question quiz. Designed to assess your grasp of the operating rules outlined in Sarah’s scenario in Chapter 3, this quiz will help you evaluate your understanding of key concepts essential for drone operation under Part 107 guidelines.